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THE STATES OF LOVERS (2023) is a short film based on the poem of the same name from Meri Utkovska's upcoming book FRACTURED PERCEPTIONS. 

Utkovska shot the film in 2023 in various locations across North Macedonia, but primarily—as with most of her films—in her family home.


THE STATES OF LOVERS captures the process of introspection the artist goes through as she interacts with her environment - that of her own body and spirit, and that of other beings and places.

The States of Lovers

My states of pining

are a continuation with no rest stops –

they flow,

they grow,

they sow rains where the clouds of the mind

have made their home. And mine is the sunshine

on a dry winter morning,

when the ice puddles crackle

under time’s turning wheels,

and children step on water

that tucked herself in and went to sleep.


My states of silence

are an edifice,

a silver chime caught in the play of the wind –

they bend backward,

they discompose,

they turn into lovers

where the hands lay with anticipation.

And mine is the star

that dies on a midsummer’s day,

when the air is warm and smells

of dust and wildflowers, and the nights

are cool and sing of shipless waters.


My states of pining

are a song with no singer –

O, they love,

they dream,

they pick the subtlest of your movements

and with them, they write poetry.

And mine is the darkly

sway of the pen,

when I sit with hopes of greatness,

and I find an ordinary enchantment, instead.


My states of silence

are endless ocean waves –

they crash,

they fall,

they carry birds on their shoulders.

And mine is the briefness of moments,

when a breath turns to a kiss,

a cat walks proudly on the edge of a street,

and sunsets sink into a dreamless sleep.


And my states,

they are what they’ve always been –

dewdrops in a field with no end,

and no beginning.


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