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Change Is Nature's Way of Being - Sixth Letter

Half eaten pear on a white, grainy surface.

Dear reader,

Morning went away quickly, as a lover goes when nothing can be done to mend the wounds in their soul.

The fan turns, arching the hot air molecules in a red-hued room.

From the distance of time's arms, Jeff Buckley sings.

A bird stops under a lonely shade to catch her breath.

A woman's face, like the Moon in the eyes of the Sun, burns under the intense touch of summer's hand.

And, sinking into an afternoon the colour of cherries that are not-yet-ready to be picked from the cherry tree, is a world of one's own.

It's July.

And the world has never been where it finds itself now.

Shall we get to know it - shall we meet ourselves where we are now?

Today on A RAY OF SIGH we begin the exploration of THE TEACHERS .

"Everything is a teacher, if one is open to the teaching.

Everything is a mirror, as well, if one is open to the reflection.

And everything is love, if one is open to accept the inexplicability that love bares -

the transcending of space and time, the infinitude of being - though what we've known might be no more - and the subtlety of awareness, amidst the chaos of existing.

Human beings who've dedicated their lives to pass on the truth - different in form perhaps, yet universal - and to guide us through the waves of our experience, are all found on this page.

Here, to support us on the journey, and to remind us that life is here to be lived with awareness, and deep, compassionate love."

The first teacher on this journey of exploration, is a gentle one.

Yoga With Adriene's Adriene Mishler and her soft assistant Benji, their work and gentle offerings of love and compassion, have been by my side for many years now.

Years of joy and happiness, grief and sorrow, laughter and tears - all marked with the reminder that to change is to grow, and to grow is to know oneself.

Don't forget to stop by the POETRY page and read the latest release THE BIRDS WILL RETURN:


The hands open like letters filled with declarations of love.

A little tremble, A little pain, And a myriad of appearances.

An interlude of softness and Closing of the eyes is taking place.

I dissipate into the space Of the space Of the space of sweet awareness,

And out of the infinitude Where all is lost and all is true,

I hear a voice – Mine, And belonging to every one of your multitudes.


Until the next letter, I am sending you love.




cat and girl cuddling in black and white.



“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”



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