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Marks, Friends, Cloud-Partings - Fourteenth Letter

snowy field, three houses in the background and a snowy mountain

Dear reader,

As the light of day gets struck down by the ubiquitous coldness of night, I come to meet you.

I carry on my shoulders stories that I hope I'll never have to share with you, for they are echoes of a bitter-sweet selfishness that reminds me of who I am.

I have in my hands an endless continuity of scents and lost touches, first embraces and last kisses, laughter that was too revealing to be left roaming around with the winds, and tears - salty, wet, and hastily wiped away.

On my forehead there now lives a deep furrow of life's fluidity.

A mark.

A friend.

A cloud-parting.

A first day of spring.

Aren't we all precisely that?




First days of spring.


Today, as you keep your own stories on your shoulders, join me on A RAY OF SIGH and check out the latest releases:

WALL OF EYES: The Smile's Latest Album + their single Under Our Pillows

blurred portraits of three men
The Smile | photo credit: The Smile

Listen to the album and the song of the week here:

woman's profile in front of a white background
Virginia Woolf

Read the full article here:

man standing in front of a body of water
Eckhart Tolle | photo credit: Eckhart Tolle

Read the full article here:


Until the next letter, I am sending you love.




black and white cat and a girl



"The light struck upon the trees in the garden, making one leaf transparent and then another. One bird chirped high up; there was a pause; another chirped lower down. The sun sharpened the walls of the house, and rested like the tip of a fan upon a white blind and made a blue finger-print of shadow under the leaf by the bedroom window. The blind stirred slightly, but all within was dim and unsubstantial. The birds sang their blank melody outside."

Read more here:


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