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Morning Theft and Going Back To Ourselves - Eleventh Letter


Dear reader, 


Under the same sky, with leaves turning from dark green to golden yellow, and waves of winds cooling the mornings, we meet each other.

On a lonely road, somewhere on the shores of the forgotten south-west, dust rises behind the wheels of a speeding car, leaving space for the road to breathe. She'll journey a bit, stain the early fall air, and come back to it.


Today's been especially beautiful.

Perhaps it's the warmth of the sunshine, passing through the crowns of the swaying trees, and falling in golden patches on the remaining green of the ground. Or, maybe it's the birds, chirping away the last stories of a summer that's bound to never happen again.

Maybe it's our shared silence.

The one that sits at the head of the table, like all masters of realms known and unknown, do. The one we come back to, when the eyes close and we drift into sleep.


The day leaves.

The light of it, borrowed to us for just the shortest of instances, leaves with it.

It's October.

Time has come again, for the quince tree to let go of its fruit. Corn fields will be harvested and songs will be sung.

Children go back to school, and storks go back to their home lands.

And as the sun goes back to its promised west, today, we, hopefully, will go back to ourselves.


The beginning of a new month is the perfect time to reflect on past experiences, things we love, and those we want to change. For this purpose, I am inviting you, this beautiful fall Monday, to revisit the stories in POINTERS FOR EXPLORATION, and get inspired.

And to venture into the new with much more than reflection, explore more of A RAY OF SIGH's sweet new releases:


weekly playlist of fontaines dc, the beatles, pink floyd, jeff buckley and many more by artist Meri Utkovska
OCTOBER MORNING THEFT - Masterfully created tunes to kiss your face every day of this first October week.

Discover the full playlist HERE:


woman's figure blurred, dancing
"Above a white rooftop under a cloudy sky, the moon looks down and into herself. Under a solitary streetlight, moths rush to meet the flame."

Discover the letter HERE:


woman with the full moon as her head
This month's selection of photographs.



Until the next letter, I am sending you love.



girl and cat


“So then, the relationship of self to other is the complete realization that loving yourself is impossible without

loving everything defined as other than yourself.”



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