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Plum Marmalade, Sunset Amber, and Cooling Days - Ninth Letter

close-up of a girl's eyes staring into the camera.
'Drunken Eyes', from the FRACTURED PERCEPTIONS Series.

Dear reader,

September comes to us, yet again, with the sweetness of plum marmalade on its face, sunset amber, and cooling days.

In a little park under a green, soon-to-be golden mountain, a group of children play.

Car horns sound, but do not stir their game.

As silken threads hanging from the sky, raindrops rush to meet the ripe corn fields, and the warmth of the ground.

A gray dove surrenders to the misty breath in the wind's mouth.

The mind, as a river bowing to the beauty sprung around her, falls into quietude.

We, hopeful and wounded, as the stars are, bury our dreams in heaps of fallen, yellow leaves.

We keep them close, we press them between the blank pages of forgotten notebooks, and the loving ghosts of old photographs.

A white cup with black coffee sits on a desk.

And, the voice of a day that is slowly sinking into an inexorable summer-fading dusk, graces time's races.

How beautiful it is, our being here, our togetherness - simple, human, limitless.

On A RAY OF SIGH today, we continue the exploration of THE ARTISTS, by honouring the life, work, art, and beautiful being of the great Patti Smith.

"We are, as individual human beings, each of us, utterly alone, yet, the meeting of someone else’s loneliness gives us the chance to discover more - to explore our gifts, our flaws, and without a question, the depths of our hearts. Even the day becomes night. Night then turns to morning, and so, the transformation of something seemingly cut off and alone, testifies of an unspoken connection in everything."


Also available now on A RAY OF SIGH are a couple of sweet new releases:

now published and available to read FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT

as blog posts. Morning came with a crispiness

In the air today,

It caught the birds by their songs

And took them dancing by my window.


Until the next letter, I am sending you love. Yours, Meri

girl and cat in black and white


“My mission is to communicate, to wake people up, to give them my energy and accept theirs. We’re all in it together, and I respond emotionally as a worker, a mother, an artist, and a human being with a voice.

We all have a voice.

We have the responsibility to exercise it, to use it.”



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